

Last active 7 years ago

  1. 7 years ago
    Wed Dec 7 18:51:01 2016
    fra_romano posted in Queues on remote server.

    If i put [QUEUE/9300^] Fop2 manager says "button updated" but in Fop2 the button disappear!

  2. Tue Dec 6 15:44:48 2016
    fra_romano posted in Queues on remote server.

    Hi Nicolas,
    i have checked dozens of times... the queues and extensions are unique for each server.
    It's possibile for you to connect with a remote assistance program to analize this problem?
    Thank you

  3. Mon Dec 5 16:58:31 2016
    fra_romano posted in Queues on remote server.

    No, it doesn't work.
    It's strange because remote extensions or conferences instead works well, with or without the server header.

  4. 8 years ago
    Mon Nov 28 14:15:36 2016
    fra_romano started the conversation Queues on remote server.

    I have a two server setup with FreePBX on Fop2 2.31.05 with numbers of all extensions and queues not in overlap.
    I have added on fop2.cfg the remote ip manager connection parameters and in buttons_custom.cfg some extensions and queues of the remote server, but only extensions activity is traced, the members or the callers of the remote queue is not seen.
    This is my buttons_custom.cfg:
    label=Coda 9300


    This is the debug output when extension 3919 enters on queue 9300, in fop2 i can see the extension on call but the queue is empty; the same when i login/logout to the queue:

    JOIN channel  SIP/3919-00000063 to queue 9300
    It's blessed into class FOP2::Queue
    QUEUE: JOIN SIP/3919-00000063 in position 1
    pos 1 key SIP/3919-00000063, tiempo 0, clidnum 3919 clidname Intesa
    END HANDLING AMI EVENT channel QUEUE/9300^, command clearentries, data , slot 0
    END HANDLING AMI EVENT channel QUEUE/9300^, command state, data UP, slot 0
    END HANDLING AMI EVENT channel QUEUE/9300^, command queueentry, data 1!SIP/3919-00000063!0!3919!SW50ZXNh, slot 1
    END HANDLING AMI EVENT channel QUEUE/9300^, command waitingcalls, data 1, slot 0
    END HANDLING AMI EVENT channel QUEUE/9300^, command soundjoin, data 0, slot 0

    Is this a bug?
    Thank you,

  5. Thu Nov 17 18:13:09 2016
    fra_romano started the conversation Problems with parking.

    I have installed FOP2 2.31.05 on Centos 6.8 64Bit but i have two problems with the parking.

    1. the drag and drop park doesn't work. I have tried with both latest release of Firefox and Chrome. The drag and drop transfer instead works well. I have started fop2 with debug level 511 but on drop no events appear.
    2. I have setup auto-answer on originate (_SIPADDHEADER51=Call-Info: answer-after=0) but on pick-up from Park doesn't work. It works well instead on pick-up from queues or on dialing extensions/external numbers.

    Some suggestions?
    Thank you,

  6. Mon Oct 31 12:31:23 2016
    fra_romano joined the forum.