Is it possible to have more fields (ideally even user-configurable ones) in the phonebook?
For example, an address (street, city, ZIP) or some "free form" notes (as little as 1KB of notes should be enough)
Is it possible to have more fields (ideally even user-configurable ones) in the phonebook?
For example, an address (street, city, ZIP) or some "free form" notes (as little as 1KB of notes should be enough)
Just add more fields to the visual_phonebook table in mysql.
I'll try soon. Thanks!
I anwer to this very old post because I am having issues with editing records with more fields in them. While I can create records with extra fields (after having added them to the database table) and I can view them, too, and I see the extra fields, I cannot edit them. When I click on the edit icon I can see (and edit) only default fields. I am running FOP2 2.26.
Edit phonebook.php and add your new fields on the line:
Best regards,
It works!
Thank you very much.