Queues on remote server

  1. 8 years ago

    I have a two server setup with FreePBX on Fop2 2.31.05 with numbers of all extensions and queues not in overlap.
    I have added on fop2.cfg the remote ip manager connection parameters and in buttons_custom.cfg some extensions and queues of the remote server, but only extensions activity is traced, the members or the callers of the remote queue is not seen.
    This is my buttons_custom.cfg:
    label=Coda 9300


    This is the debug output when extension 3919 enters on queue 9300, in fop2 i can see the extension on call but the queue is empty; the same when i login/logout to the queue:

    JOIN channel  SIP/3919-00000063 to queue 9300
    It's blessed into class FOP2::Queue
    QUEUE: JOIN SIP/3919-00000063 in position 1
    pos 1 key SIP/3919-00000063, tiempo 0, clidnum 3919 clidname Intesa
    END HANDLING AMI EVENT channel QUEUE/9300^, command clearentries, data , slot 0
    END HANDLING AMI EVENT channel QUEUE/9300^, command state, data UP, slot 0
    END HANDLING AMI EVENT channel QUEUE/9300^, command queueentry, data 1!SIP/3919-00000063!0!3919!SW50ZXNh, slot 1
    END HANDLING AMI EVENT channel QUEUE/9300^, command waitingcalls, data 1, slot 0
    END HANDLING AMI EVENT channel QUEUE/9300^, command soundjoin, data 0, slot 0

    Is this a bug?
    Thank you,

  2. 7 years ago


    1 Dec 2016 Administrator

    You must add the server header configuration, something like:

    label=Coda 9300

    Try it that way.

    Best regards,

  3. No, it doesn't work.
    It's strange because remote extensions or conferences instead works well, with or without the server header.

  4. admin

    5 Dec 2016 Administrator

    There is no bug, so look closely at your configurations. And be sure you do not have extension 9300 duplicated with some other 'entity'./ You cannot have extension=9300 for a queue and extension=9300 for something else, they must be unique in a give context/tenant.

    Best regards,

  5. Hi Nicolas,
    i have checked dozens of times... the queues and extensions are unique for each server.
    It's possibile for you to connect with a remote assistance program to analize this problem?
    Thank you

  6. admin

    7 Dec 2016 Administrator

    What happens if you define the queue button as


  7. No...
    If i put [QUEUE/9300^] Fop2 manager says "button updated" but in Fop2 the button disappear!

  8. admin

    8 Dec 2016 Administrator

    There is nothing for the button not to work, even looking at the brief lots you posted. Try to catch me on the live help on monday and be ready to provide access to your server if you want me to take a brief look. Best regards,

  9. Was there any resolution for this? I'm having a similar issue.

  10. Edited 7 years ago by GMH

    Same problem here. I will gladly work with you to troubleshoot - i have a server we are using for testing with no users on it and can give you access to it and our test fop server if you want to coordinate a time. Actually have a couple of issues I would like to get resolved.

    Pero mi español es muy mal. :(


    A quick update, FOP2 appears to be "seeing" the queues, members, and calls just fine. But the display does not reflect any of this?

    xx.xx.xx.xx <- Event: QueueParams
    xx.xx.xx.xx <- Queue: 1001-queue-36
    xx.xx.xx.xx <- Max: 0
    xx.xx.xx.xx <- Strategy: ringall
    xx.xx.xx.xx <- Calls: 0
    xx.xx.xx.xx <- Holdtime: 0
    xx.xx.xx.xx <- TalkTime: 0
    xx.xx.xx.xx <- Completed: 0
    xx.xx.xx.xx <- Abandoned: 0
    xx.xx.xx.xx <- ServiceLevel: 0
    xx.xx.xx.xx <- ServicelevelPerf: 0.0
    xx.xx.xx.xx <- Weight: 0
    xx.xx.xx.xx <- ActionID: initial

    Not a reference at all

    xx.xx.xx.xx <- Event: QueueMember
    xx.xx.xx.xx <- Queue: 1001-queue-36
    xx.xx.xx.xx <- Name: 1001-GMH2
    xx.xx.xx.xx <- Location: SIP/1004-xxx-1001
    xx.xx.xx.xx <- StateInterface: SIP/1004-xxx-1001
    xx.xx.xx.xx <- Membership: dynamic
    xx.xx.xx.xx <- Penalty: 0
    xx.xx.xx.xx <- CallsTaken: 0
    xx.xx.xx.xx <- LastCall: 0
    xx.xx.xx.xx <- IsInCall: 0
    xx.xx.xx.xx <- Status: 1
    xx.xx.xx.xx <- Paused: 0
    xx.xx.xx.xx <- ActionID: initial

    It's blessed into class FOP2::Queue

    I also tried to set up an [AGENT/xxx] button, but that does not seem to do anything either.

  11. Another update - after much playing with all the settings, i can now get agents to log in / log out via FOP. When they log in and out from FOP2, they show and work perfectly!!! (Yeah! - I guess the documentation for the "queuechannel=" parameter was a little unclear, the trick was to explicitly use the SIP/peer - leaving that blank did not work though the SIP/Peer was the same as the section name [SIP/peer]).

    I had a problem with the "permanent" agents, but realized I had tried creating an "[AGENT/xxx]" button (per another post of yours). Deleted that and restarted FOP2 and now the queues seem to be working fine!

    Looking like the only major issue for me now is voicemail - I have a separate post on that.

  12. Hey GMH, any way you post some config samples?

    All my agents are Static, no matter how i set them up in the buttons_custom file I can not get them to show in the queues.


  13. Maybe if i post some of my stuff, someone can point me in the right direction.

    These are static agents on a remote server. The extension buttons work, just the queues are empty.

    label=Golf Pro Shop

    label=Test Phone

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