Actually there is no problem, just a design choice that does not suite you. I think of a possible workaround you can implement right now. Do not set the queueagent nor queuemanager permissions to your users, and install the queue pause from presence plugin. then you will have to make a little modification to the plugin source so it allows the pause to be sent even if you do not have permissions. That way your agents will be able to pause themselves from the presence box, and they won't see the options to add/remove/pause/unapuse from their own extensions.
The file to modify once the plugin is installed is:
Around line 10 you will see this block, that you need to just remove:
if ( !main::hasPermChannel( $socket, "queueagent", $mychannel ) && !main::hasPerm( $socket, "queuemanager" ) && !main::hasPerm( $socket, "all" ) ) {
# No permission, abort action
print "No permissions for pause\n";
return @allreturn;
After changing the code, restart FOP2.
Best regards,