Queue Login - agents not logged off from queue

  1. 9 years ago


    I'm using FOP2 with the Queue Login plugin, its happening that some users do not log off from the queues they are in when logging off on FOP2 or closing the browser window, any clue?

    Freepbx 13 and Asterisk 13.5


  2. Hi,
    Same here. When making tests on user with all permissions every thing is ok, but when user with restricted permissions - log in is ok, but log off not remove agents from queues.

    FreePBX 2.11 and Asterisk 11


  3. 8 years ago


    5 Dec 2015 Administrator

    What permissions are you assigning to those users? You must at least grant the "queueagent" permission in the USERS tab, not in some custom restricted permission. Do you have that setup?

    As for the logout from queues.. how are you login them out from FOP2? Do you click the logout button? Or just close the tab/browser?

  4. Hi,

    Yes I've granted "queueagent" permissions to agents at the Template. And agents loging out with "logout button".


  5. Deleted 8 years ago by macros
  6. admin

    9 Dec 2015 Administrator

    Ok, not sure what is the FOP2 version you are using. In any case, start FOP2 in debug mode and make a test, look at the server logs when you log out from FOP2.


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