

Last active 13 years ago

  1. 13 years ago
    Wed Oct 5 18:16:20 2011
    rx4change started the conversation Error Running Operator Panel.

    I am getting this error when attempting to start FOP2:

    [root@server fop2]# ./fop2_server -d
    Memoize.pm did not return a true value at script/fop2_server.pl line 1556.
    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at script/fop2_server.pl line 1556.

    Any ideas on how to resolve?

  2. Fri Aug 12 00:17:56 2011
    rx4change posted in FOP2 Won't Play Voicemail Files.

    I was able to resolve an issue with sessions (and my default voicemail format). Now I can play the files properly, but I am still unable to delete them. Any ideas on how to resolve? I am using a NFS mounted directory, but I am able to delete them from the server manually.

    Thanks for all the help.

  3. Thu Aug 11 16:54:05 2011
    rx4change posted in FOP2 Won't Play Voicemail Files.

    Yes. Flash is installed and working properly. The browser is Chrome 12, also tried with Firefox 4.

  4. Thu Aug 11 01:14:56 2011
    rx4change started the conversation FOP2 Won't Play Voicemail Files.

    I am having an issue with FOP2 playing voicemail files. They show up properly in the interface, and I can see a 200/OK in the HTTPD logs when the voicemail file is clicked on:

    "GET /fop2/download.php?file=/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/13/INBOX/msg0000.wav HTTP/1.1" 200 6 "http://www.mysite.com/fop2/wavplayer.swf?gui=none" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/12.0.742.124 Safari/534.30"

    I am running fop2 latest version, 2.21 and my php version is as follows:

    [root@server httpd]# php -v
    PHP 5.2.9 (cli) (built: Jul 19 2010 15:47:18)
    Copyright (c) 1997-2009 The PHP Group
    Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Zend Technologies

    Any ideas on how to resolve this?

    Thx in advance!

  5. Wed Feb 2 04:59:31 2011
    rx4change started the conversation Voicemail for Multi-Tenant Environment.

    I have a multi-tenant environment and was interested in implementing Voicemail Explorer.

    My voicemail structure is currently:


    Is it possible for me to use FOP2 with this kind of a directory structure? Is there a way to append a tenant name to the mailbox directory or define the mailbox directory per tenant?

    Thanks in advance!

  6. Wed Feb 2 04:57:54 2011
    rx4change started the conversation Integration with Desktop Notifier for Chrome.

    Google just released a HTML 5 based desktop notification standard extension for Chrome. While this isn't supported on all browsers yet, this would be a very simple and nice addition to the notifications for FOP. This would allow for notifications to pop up on the desktop, even without the window being in the foreground.

    Anyone else interested in this?

    Check it out here:

    http://code.google.com/chrome/extension ... tions.html