Last active 10 years ago
Am running FOP2 on FreePBX server with fop2admin (newest version)
Just downloaded the newest version of FOP2 & following instructions to install/upgrade.
When I run /usr/local/fop2/ it displays the message that there is no need to run it anymore:
Since fop2admin version 1.2.15 there is no need to run this script anymore.
If you want to run it anyways, be sure to specify the -force command line
However the file /etc/asterisk/extensions_override_freepbx.conf still has entry:
#include /etc/asterisk/extensions_override_fop2.conf
Should this be removed ?
Hi Nicolas,
We would be happy to fund this feature development, if you would like to consider this. My queue managers tend to switch to FOP1 when doing their tasks, which is putting lots of unnecessary load on our servers. We would really like to switch FOP1 off and use FOP2 instead and this feature seems to be the main reason why our managers do not use it at this time.
Would you be willing to consider this?
Is it possible to have an option to display Queues in a 'FOP1' compatibility mode? Our queue manager is complaining as she cannot see all queues at once (we have 8 queues with 50 agents, agents are logged into multiple queues).
We would like to see queue buttons on the right panel displaying only information on number of agents logged in and number of calls waiting in queue. If queue button is pressed, it could then expand to show all agents and calls.
A simple hide/show box on each queue button would do this trick ? This feature would be greatly appreciated.