

Last active 7 years ago

  1. 7 years ago
    Thu Dec 22 07:37:44 2016
    tomwer posted in Auto Logout / Penalty Reset.

    @admin - Any thing you can add here? :)

  2. Wed Dec 21 10:33:05 2016
    tomwer started the conversation Auto Logout / Penalty Reset.

    Hi All,

    We're having issues where somebody sets themselves to busy/dnd - leave their desk - and return to only see they have been logged out of FOP2 and also all queues previously logged in to.

    Is there a timeout setting ANYWHERE in FOP2?

    Thank you

  3. 8 years ago
    Tue Mar 29 12:24:52 2016

    Also - I am referring tot he 44 second pause which is the one that was automatic.

  4. Tue Mar 29 10:45:14 2016

    Hi @admin

    Today I sat with Henry in our support team and select Break as the pause option. After seconds, it automatically un-paused.. We then had to repause ourselves.

    See attached screenshot.

    What could be causing this?

  5. Thu Mar 24 08:18:16 2016


    A lot of people will put themselves on lunch but come back to an "available" phone. I would understand what you are saying, however it doesn't happen after the designated 60 seconds wrap up time, it waits 5-6 minutes before unpausing the agent.

    I will monitor these today and report back.

  6. Wed Mar 23 17:27:36 2016
    tomwer started the conversation Auto Wrapup Issues - Causing automatic un-pause..

    Hi All,

    We've recently enabled Auto Wrapup plugin. Everything seemed fine initially, however we quickly started noticing agents pause status automatically unpausing/changing.

    Is this a known issue?

    Agent will go on lunch - set pause to lunch. Some moments later there is a computed unpause.

    Any ideas? @admin

  7. Thu Mar 3 15:40:49 2016

    @admin Did you find a way for logout to work with the chrome extension running?

  8. Tue Feb 16 10:22:41 2016
    tomwer posted in Speed Dial - Transfer.

    @admin OK I will try this now.

  9. Tue Feb 9 11:00:34 2016
    tomwer started the conversation Speed Dial - Transfer.

    Hi All,

    We recently purchased the speed dial plugin however we'd like it to work in a particular way, and we're unsure how to do this.

    If we have an established call with a customer of ours and want to transfer the call to extension 000 for example we would normally transfer on the phone to 000, advise the transfer recipient who the customer is and then hit transfer.

    How can we do this using the speed dial plugin?

  10. Tue Feb 9 10:20:10 2016
    tomwer posted in FOP2 2.30 Beta.

    @admin - This is a long shot, but we're running Asterisk (Ver. 11.19.0) with FreePBX - Is it safe to install fop2 2.30 or will we see loads of issues?


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