

Last active 15 years ago

  1. 15 years ago
    Mon Oct 12 10:16:24 2009
    maximel started the conversation Caller ID ?.

    I notived that when FOP2 performs the ORIGINATE to Asterisk, it leaves the CallerID part empty
    this leads to empty caller id in the originated call which is weird for the callee and called
    is that normal ?

  2. Mon Oct 12 09:43:54 2009
    maximel started the conversation Users required in the buttons list to dial/spy ?.


    I noticed that if a user in the users list is not listed within the buttons as an extension, then you cannot dial, spy ...
    is that expected ? i thought the username could be used as the extension to dial or spy when initiating it

    i would need to give access to the interface to a user without having him in the list of supervised extensions and being abled to trigger dial or spy
