Spy permission

  1. 10 years ago

    I am having a problem with the 'spy' permission on FOP2. If I give a user the 'all' permission, they get spy/whisper etc and everything works. If I give the user each individual permission, including 'spy', they do not get the spy/whisper buttons on the panel. I want to be able to take away the 'pickup' permission from some users, but still allow them to use spy. Can anyone explain this?

    FOP2: 2.25

  2. admin

    22 Aug 2014 Administrator

    How are you setting permissions? Use spy ONLY in the "fop2 users" page. Do not create fop2 permissions and assign them to users, as those are for restricting actions to a subset/group, and usually misunderstood.

    In order to be sure, remove all fop2 permissions you have created (if you have created any), and then go to the "fop2 users" menu and assign permissions there and only there, as assigning spy to a user will let that user perform the action (and display the action button).

  3. Great, thanks.

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