Queue Visibility

  1. 11 years ago

    Hello I am currently testing FOP2 on Piaf with the Freepbx manager,
    for some reason I am unable to view the queues or trunks, the only one that seems to appear is the Conferences,
    I do have 8 queues configured just trying to understand why I am not seeing them,

    Does anybody have a clue where to start ,
    P.s i do have "all queues" and "all trunks" ticked and saved,
    I have restated the FOP


  2. admin

    5 Sep 2013 Administrator

    Are you using the lite or registered version? Lite is limited to 15 buttons on screen, if you have several extensions, it will not have room for queues or trunks (conferences will show as the buttons are sorted by type, first conferences, then extensions, and so on.

    If you have the registered version, be sure that none of your buttons is checked (the checkbox is for disabling/removing buttons).

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