Action submenu strange behaviour

  1. 12 years ago


    I have FOP2 2.26 installed and reged on Elastix. Depending on where buttons are on the screen I get different results for the Action Submenu.

    If a button is in the top horizontal row, I get the correct submenu, if the button is in the 2nd to 8th horizontal row I get a grey line. I have permissions to all buttons and have tested this by moving buttons around. I've tried FF, IE and Chrome. All have the same result.

    Any suggestions on resolving this?

  2. admin

    3 Oct 2012 Administrator

    It is not a visual glitch (well, the horizontal line when no actions are displayed is, that is fixed on the next release). If you do not see actions it is not because of the row but because there are no actions to perform on those extension.

    What actions are available in the top row that are missing on the bottom ones? Queue add/remove/pause are not only dependant on the fop2 permissions, but also the "restrict members" options in FreePBX queue config. Try setting an email in the fop2 buttons page for any extension in the bottom rows, reload fop2 and then see if the send email appears or not.

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